Japan – Part 2: I demand ambrosia

In last week’s episode CGWOS and GG had just arrived in their new “home”… 

…For some reason, it just never feels quite right when you wake up on the floor; there is something slightly disconcerting about it. As the sun slipped in through our pasty blue curtains and illuminated the apparently staw mats that composed our floor I knew that I wasn’t at home. Like a hunted animal my eyes darted from one corner of the room to the other searching for some sort of familiarity.

My gaze settled on Alix and I began to feel better (right after I felt her up). 
The previous tenants of our illustrious abode had left us some instant coffee and with a cautious sniff of the wind I drank. My blood immediately curdled and as my heart writhed in pain, I knew that instant coffee would just never suffice. I demand ambrosia, not some base drink suited only for animals. 

We left our “home” that morning and decided to take a bit of a stroll. I should not fail to mention that at this point I was still extremely jet-lagged and I exuded “mysterious stranger” to all those that pitied me with a glance. A glance? I mean a penetrating stare that transgressed social conventions. I was no longer a happily anonymous man, I was now a public eyesore. While my appearance had not changed in the least, my foreignness had been instantaneously and exponentially magnified. 

I cannot even begin to describe the feeling of awe and horror that I felt that first day so I will leave the feeling behind. We sought something familiar, something that could ground us in our new world so back to the station we returned. Inside the train station is a shopping mall of sorts. Hip hop humms from every speaker, hordes of housewives hurry past with bags of shopping insanity but this made me feel better. 

And then it happened, I smelled coffee and as quickly as my nose had picked up the scent I was off running in its direction. Lo and behold, Starbucks. Dr Evil’s empire had penetrated the basement of Okayama’s train station. I ordered a 7 dollar Americano and began to calm down. For the first time I really looked at my new home and began to think… 

Stay tuned next time for more exciting Adventures of Captain Giant Waste of Skin and Gaijin Girl.

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